
As the path of drawing-writing indicates: Focus is an English word borrowed from Latin. Which means focus or point. It is the place where many things are concentrated. It is the root of the word focus, which can be synonymous with concentration. In photography, it is synonymous with focus. In journalistic language, the word tends to supplant the point. In linguistics, it’s the rheme. In cognitive linguistics, the point on which attention is focused. Source: Wikipedia.

This is the journey of reading the “magazine”. Very graphic, drawings illustrate the definition of the word focus: a magnifying glass on which we see the mustache of Dali, or a planet earth all roundness behind, with its craters. Is not the point of attention of the man the soil on which he lives? These curves recall the focus of a camera at the top left. If we speak focus, we obviously think of the eye, eyes that look at us (right). Or home, on which jets flow. Although the focus is necessarily represented by parentheses, open or closed, as in a camera. Moreover, the writing needs concentration, the focus seems out of order on certain sentences, as if the sight was troubled.

School Second year examination in visual arts, University Paris 1 Panthéon-SorbonneMaterialsGraphite and Indian inkYear2017

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